After one-month efforts of more than 100 Zigong lantern professionals, we have finished the lantern productions in the domestic production section. September 13, more than 60 lantern groups began to be packed and sent to Dallas. Before the end of October, we estimate that all the lantern productions, assembly and commissioning tasks will be timely finished.
The 2017 Magical Winter Lights in Dallas is a brand expansion of the Magical Winter Lights in the U.S. market after successfully holding the 2015 and 2016 festivals in Houston. Festival in Dallas will starts with 2017 Magical Winter Lights in Houston at the same time in November 2017, which will bring Chinese lantern to the U.S audiences. The “Twins Lantern Festivals” pays more attention to the use of lantern color and the presentation of lantern technology, and the lantern interaction will be injected into the festivals so that the U.S audience can enjoy the arts and charms of the Chinese lantern in an all-round way.